
Running dragon without any arguments will list available commands, many of which have multiple aliases.

You can combine most commands to do multiple actions with one command.

Packaging Commands#

Creating a new project/module#

dragon n, dragon new, dragon nic, dragon edit, or dragon create will open the Project Editor

Building a package#

dragon b, dragon build, or dragon make builds a package

Building a package for release#

The r / release command can be added to the build command to define “NDEBUG” and undefine “DEBUG” within compiled code.

Passing this flag will also cause the contents of the DragonMake variable dbgflags to be ignored, and the contents of releaseflags to be used instead.

Clean Building a package#

dragon c or dragon clean will clean the ‘build cache’

Combine it with the build command to run a clean build (e.g. dragon c b)

Device Commands#

Setting up a device#

dragon s or dragon device will set up an installation target

Installing a package#

dragon i or dragon install installs a package

Combine it with the build command, or use dragon do to build and install a package

Respringing a device#

dragon rs or dragon respring will respring the current device (i.e. current installation target)

Running a command on the device#

dragon dr <commands> or dragon devicerun <commands> will execute anything after the command on the current device (i.e. current installation target) [don’t use quotes]

Installing any deb on the device#

dragon sn <file> or dragon send <file> will install a .deb anywhere on your drive to the current device (i.e. current installation target)

Building and installing to the iOS Simulator#

Adding the sim command to a set of commands targets the simulator. If added to an install command, it will install the specified deb to the iOS simulator